SEO Strategies

Content Creation

We will write custom content incorporating target keywords with the goal of attracting the interest of potential clients. We develop posts that can be emailed to clients using Email Marketing Platforms like MailChimp and added to your website blog to improve your Organic SEO.

Focused Internet Marketing

Utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) analytic tools we recommend approaches to effectively reach your target audience. We suggest keywords to keep you content relevant and track engagement to help you navigate a variety of advertising options.

Google Ads Campaign

We have deep experience creating Google Ad campaigns for our clients. We will work to create content that incorporates effective keywords to attract as many searchers as possible. On an ongoing basis we re-optimize the campaign configuration, adjusting to the competitive pressures of the target marketplace.

Google Analytics Review

Assessing the impact of Google Ads, plus Direct and Organic sources, Google Analytics provides a more comprehensive view of where your website activity is coming from. We can set up your website with the appropriate coding to properly connect to Google Analytic tools and reporting. Based on regularly generated reports, we can evaluate your results and guide your advertising campaigns to maximize ROI.

LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn has evolved to be the primary support provider for establishing and maintaining professional connections. It can help you keep track of where your contacts move in their career. We will review and update your LinkedIn profile and help you connect to other LinkedIn users in your target market.