A pay per click online advertising platform where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.
A free product that provides in-depth reporting on how people use websites. It shows you how people found your site and how they explored it.
Analyzing Website Visitor Behavior
Google Ads can only tell you so much about visitor behavior.
Google Analytics shows you what people are doing when they arrive on your site.
Reported daily
Reported fully after a 72 hour processing window
Tracking Approach
Google AdWords can only track clicks on ads
Google Analytics provides post-click data about what happened on the website after a user clicked on an ad. To get a full picture, integrate your Google AdWords and Analytics accounts.
Fun Facts
The Average Google Ads Click Thru Rate (CTR) is 1.91%
More than half of all websites use Google Analytics. There is a paid version called Google Analytics 360. However, the main platform continues to be completely free.